Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Ubuntu Countdown Widget

Ubuntu, in short, is a completely free operating system similar to Microsoft Windows but safer, easier and cheaper to use. It is released every 6 months and there is a widget that does the countdown. Show your friends and readers how cool you are with the following code snippet:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.ubuntu.com/files/countdown/display.js"></script>

Whom shall I vote for?

I see this over at Not Dead Yet: During the election cycle, here is a poll that allows you to compare the presidential candidates. It is a simple survey that then shows you which candidate to vote for based on the issues. This survey seems slanted toward Obama, but that is ok. Here is my result as a sample:
You preferred McCain's statements 63% of the time
You preferred Obama's statements 38% of the time

Voting purely on the issues you should vote McCain

Who would you vote for if you voted on the issues?

Find out now!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Format my Source Code

Format my Source Code is a site I use to get source code formatted for my blog. Source code often has special characters that need to be handled. This site makes it easy.

Animal of the Day

Sponsored by Animal-poster.net
<!-- Beginning of Animal of the day code Thursday 16th of October 2008 -->
<table width="150" border="0" align="center">
<tr><td><div align="center"><strong><a href="http://www.thewebsiteofeverything.com/weblog/">Animal of the Day</a></strong></div>
          <div align="center"><script language="JavaScript" src="http://www.thewebsiteofeverything.com/feed/feed2js.php?src=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewebsiteofeverything.com%2Fweblog%2Frss.xml&num=1&html=a" type="text/javascript"></script></div>
          <div align="center">Sponsored by <a href="http://www.animal-poster.net">Animal-poster.net</a></div>
<!-- End of Animal of the day code -->